International seminar: South Korea's experience in assessing government performance was analyzed

09:07 - 22 May 2024 News

The Academy of Public Administration recently hosted an international seminar-training titled "Evaluation of Government Activity: Methods and Tools Used in the Republic of Korea."

The event brought together professors from the Korean Institute of Public Administration, the Agency for the Development of Public Service under the President, along with representatives from the Academy itself, researchers, and media.

South Korea's significant advancements in government performance evaluation over the past few decades served as the focal point of the seminar.

Discussions centered on achieving purposeful spending of state funds, ensuring effective budget utilization, promoting transparency and accountability, and ultimately fostering greater public trust in government institutions. In addition, participants gained detailed insights into the specific methods employed by Korea to assess government activity.

For information:  Government performance evaluations delve into the effectiveness of government programs and services.

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